After Younger Daughter took her half of the bunk beds and installed it in her Cute Career Girl Apartment, I finally had room for new bookshelves. I suppose if I stopped buying books then I wouldn't need new bookshelves, but, like, that's never going to happen, so I'm glad I've got more space.
The Man of the House, ably assisted by Junk Yard Thug (who didn't mind hammering in the least), assembled the six sections of the new shelves.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
The new shelves improve the look of the tv-room/office. I can actually see the books and notebooks I need to work with, which is a wonderful change.
Seeing the new shelves got me to thinking about where I could put other new bookshelves. They improved that room so much, that I thought they'd improve the other rooms, too. So I did a survey of the house to see where I could put more bookshelves.
The entryway's taken, so they can't go there.
We've already got some in the living room, so there's no space for more shelves there.
The available wall in the basement's in use.
And the computer books are on the other basement wall.
The bedroom's full.
And the spot outside the bedroom door is taken.
The porch has some of the children's books, the gardening books and the cookbooks.
The spare room has the rest of the children's books.
The bathroom's taken.
The utility room and the sewing area seem to be in use.
There are books in the garage.
And even one on the exercise bike.
Someone around here seems to have a problem. I guess I'm just going to have to put an addition on the house so I can fit in more bookshelves. (yes, I use the library -- they know me by name)
I absolutely love the sight of shelves and shelves filled with books. It makes me smile. (add to that that I'm at the Library right now - paradise(ish)!)
well done
Posted by: Jason | 04 August 2005 at 11:20 AM
I think that paneling one's home with books is the most delightful decorating strategy ever. No wonder I feel so comfortable in your house. Added to the Feline Librarians, it's my idea of heaven on earth.
Posted by: Linda Kerby | 04 August 2005 at 02:53 PM